Rehab Spot

The Rehab Spot web property is designed as a spinoff of where we provide assistance to those who are suffering from addiction by listing quality treatment centers around the US.

See my involvement

defining our goals

Our goals were to provide a database of searchable treatment centers which allow any person to find the best treatment available for their unique situation. We already built the backbone the interactive map when we redesigned Addiction Center, so the now our focus could be spent fine-tuning what we've learned to make an even better experience for the users.

We also needed to create new branding for Rehab Spot that would achieve the same goals as Addiction Center, but separate itself apart.

  • Create a New Brand
  • Fill out Call Request forms
  • Fuel Treatment Center affiliations
  • Build Upon Interactive Map

creating the brand

The interactive map was the focal point of Rehab Spot, so the logo needed to convey a location-based message. And with the tagline, "Find Your Way to Recovery", I went in the direction of the familiar location icon. I also used a helping hand along with imagery of a house to expresses the message of comfort that could immediately let the user know that it's possible to find the right type of treatment as well as the right location of a center for their specific needs.

Rehab Spot content markup

start with the content

Back in 1996, Bill Gates said that "Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the internet, just as it was in broadcasting." A Content-first mindset can speed up production by nailing down your message instead of relying on your design to do the bulk of the work. I firmly believe design should complement the message, not the other way around. Content is ab-so-lutly the ruler of the product.

Rehab Spot content markup

the wireframes

Mobile Wireframes
Desktop Wireframes

setting the mood

Rehab Spot Styleguide section 1
Rehab Spot Styleguide section 2

the final product

Home Page Mock ups

Rehab Spot Mobile Mockup - Home Page
Rehab Spot Desktop Mockup - Home Page

Detail Page Mock ups

Rehab Spot Mobile Mockup - Detail Page
Rehab Spot Desktop Mockup - Detail Page

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